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Phytochemical Analysis and Evaluation of Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Properties of Mesua ferrea L.: An Endangered Medicinal Plant

Department of Botany, Rama Chandra Mardaraj (RCM) Science College, Khallikote, Ganjam-761 030 (Odisha),
*(e-mail:; Mobile: 88275 15130)
(Received: January 22, 2023; Accepted: July 8, 2023)


The traditional medicines have been re-validated worldwide by extensive research on different medicinal plant species and their phyto-medicinal properties. The current investigation was carried out on Mesua ferrea L., commonly known as Nagakesara, to evaluate phytochemical composition and re-validate its therapeutic applications. The collected leaves and barks were properly shade-dried for 15 days and then powdered by using a kitchen mixer grinder. The phytochemicals were isolated through different extraction techniques using different solvent, out of which Hot extraction method i.e. through Soxhlet apparatus was most appropriate one. The qualitative and quantitative analysis and phytomedicinal properties were analyzed using different protocols. The qualitative analysis revealed the presence of wide rays of phytochemicals like phenol, flavonoids, tannin, steroids, glycosides, alkaloids, quinine, coumarin, saponin, sterol and terpenoids. The quantitative analysis showed the presence of high content of phenolic substances and flavonoids. The presence of high content of phenolic substance and other phytochemicals was responsible for maximum total antioxidant capacity of in the MFMBE (188.97%) followed by MFEBE and least antioxidant activity was found in MFLEAE. Highest antibacterial activity of inhibition zone i.e.16.3 mm was observed in the MFMBE followed by MFELE. The presence of theses phytochemicals was responsible for different phyto-medicinal properties. The high content of phenols/flavonoids makes this plant medicinally important and can be seen as a good source for useful drugs.
Key words : Mesua ferreae, phytochemicals, TLC, antioxidant, antibacterial