Publisher Change Notice: As of December 2024, the journal Annals of Agri-bio Research has transitioned its publishing operations from Agri Bio Research Publishers to Scilight Press Pty. Ltd. Under Scilight Press, the journal has adopted a revised charging policy: There are no submission fees.
About the Journal: An international peer reviewed semi-annual journal, publishing original research papers and critical mini-reviews in basic and applied aspects of agricultural and biological sciences.
121, Mohalla Chaudharian Near Katra Ramlila,Hisar-125001
Email:,; Mobile : +91-9966642226
Associate Editors
R.K. Behl, Associate Dean (Retired)
College of Agriculture, CCSHAU, Hisar-15004
Amit Chowdhary,SKSS, Ayuredic Medical Collage and Hospital,
Sarabha, Ludhiana-141105
Editorial Advisory Board
A.Deora,Canada | A.R Siddiqui,Bangladesh |
A.Wais, Germany | J.kubat, Czech Rep. |
J.M. Costa, USA | K. Mitura, Poland |
L.Bona, Hungary | N.El Bassam, Germany |
Rattan Yadav, U.K | T.Shinano,Japan |
T.S. Gahoonia, Denmark |
D.K. Yadav, New Delhi | Geeta Bassi, Ludhiana |
K.S. Suhag , Hisar | M.S. Bhale, Jabalpur |
Neeraj Dilbagi, Hisar | O.P. Yadav, New Delhi |
O.P. Toky, Hisar | Rachna Gupta , Jammu |
R.K. Mittal , Palampur | R.K. Tuli , Hisar |
S.K. Rao, Jabalpur | S.K. Sethi, Hisar |
S.P. Goyal, Deputy Librarian (Retired), Nehru Library, CCS HAU, Hisar-
All these scientists are associated with the journal in honorary capacity.
Subscription Rates:
Rs. 2000/= in India and US $ 200 for aboroad from 2018 Back Volumes are available at the current subscription price.
Printing Charges
Rs. 700/= per leaf of each side with processing fee of Rs. 1500/= per paper.
Back Volomes are avilable at the current subsciption price.
Mailing Address
All correspondence regarding Annals of Agri Bio Resarch should be addressed to the Agri Bio Research Publishers, 115 Mohalla Chaudhrian Near Katra Ramlila. Hisar-125001,India.
Ph.:+91-9966642226; Mobile:+91-9966642226;,
@Agri Bio Research Publishers, Hisar. No parts of this journal may be reproduced or transmitted in any from or by any means, electronic or mechanical inculding photocoping, photographic recording or any informtion storage and retrieval system without permission of the publisher. Printed at Systematic Printers, Mohalla Udaypuriyan, Near Video Marker, Hisar-125001, India.Ph.: +91-9966642226; Mobile:+91-996662226.
Original contributions in the form of full papers and short communications in basic and applied aspects of agricultural and biological sciences will be considered for publication in Annals of Agri Bio Research. Critical mini-reviews on current topics will also be published. The manuscript throughout in double space with at least 4cm margin on the left, in Fornt size 12; Times New Roman, Should be sent via Email ( to B.D. Chaudhary, 121 Mohalla Chaudharian, Katra Ramlila, Hisar 125001. Every submitted manuscript will be reviewed by two expert reviewers. The first page of the manuscript should contain the title, name(s) of author, address of the laboratory/place where the workn was conducted, Email address, a running title not exceeding five words and address of correspondence including mobile number.
TITLE should be short and specific to identify the contents of the article. An ABSTRACT not exceeding 250 words should be provided which should contain no references. Authors should also provide not more than five KEY WORDS below the abstract. INTRIDUCTION should be brief,to the point and may contain pertinent review of literature. MATERIALS ANR METHODS should contain description of study site (if required), materials and experimental techniques.If the method are well known refernce of standard work should only be given. RESULTS should not be repeated in DISCUSSION. To avoid this. these sections may preferable be combined.This should followed by ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, if any. Figures and plates should not be larger that 26x 36cm. All lines and symbols should be bold enough to stand reducation to at least 25% of their size. Whenever possible, smaller figures should be grouped to fill a page. A separate. typewritten (in double space), explanation of figures and plates should be supplied/ Only the metric units should be used in the text and figures. Complete scientific name i.e. genus, species and name of author (s), and also cultivar whenever appropriate must be given at the first mention. The genus may be abbreviated followed by species in rest of the text. Chemical nomenclature should be according to the Handbook for Chemical Society Authors. Tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals. typed on separate sheet and provided with appropriate titles. The data presented in tables should not be repeated in figures.
Citation of references in the text should be as Basra and Malik (1985) or (Basra and Malik, 1985) depending upon the construction of the sentence. In case of papers by more than two authors, et al. should be used with the name of first author.In the last, REFERENCES should be arranged alphabetically wihtout serial numbers. These should be written as follows with the names of the journals abbreviated according to the World List of Scientific Periodicals. All references cited in the text appear in the list and vice versa.
Papers : Basra, A.S. and Malik, C.P.(1985). Non-photosynthetic fixation of carbon dioxide and possible biological roles in higher plants. Biol.Rev.60:357-401.
Books : Ali,S. and Ripley, S.D.(1974).Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan. Vol. 10, Qxford Univ. Press. Bombay.
Part of Book : Brett, J.R.(1979). Environmental factors and growth. In : Fish Phusiology (Eds. W.S.Hoar, D. Randall and J.R. Brett), Vol. 8. Academic Press, London.pp.599-677.
Thesis : Kaushal, P.S.(1987). Ecophysiological analysis of transplanting stress effect in forest trees. Ph. D. thesis, University of Nancy, France. The authors should prepare the manuscripts strictly according to the above instructions to avoid unnecessary delay in publication. It is presumed that the papers submitted to Annals of Agri Bio Research are not being simultancosuly or have not been previosly submitted to any ohter journal. The publishers and editors assume no responsibility for the views and statements of authors in thier papers. As part of the publication policy, the authors have to purchase at least 20 reprints at the rate of Rs.700/= per of each side with Rs.1500/=as processing fee.