Department of Family Resource Management, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125 004 (Haryana),
*(e-mail : drkavya77@gmail.com; Mobile : 9896270928)
(Received : January 12, 2019; Accepted : March 18, 2019)
Farmers work in a physically hazardous occupational condition that places them at potential risk of
musculoskeletal disorder and causes a greater impact on their health. The success in vegetable production
whether it is organic or not is greatly dependent on a well thought out plan and its growers health. To
achieve profitability, a producer must have a well thought out production and marketing plan based on
sound interest and health of the farm workers. The following study was planned in interest of the field
workers in vegetable production starting from the land preparation till the transport workload and marketing
efforts. The research aims at the most common work related health hazards which are prevalent among
the vegetable cultivators. The prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) was found very high among
the vegetable cultivators and the most affected areas were shoulder, upper back, mid back, low back,
knees and feet. Severe discomfort was observed in upper back (ms=4.0) and mid back (4.0) followed by low
back and feet (ms=3.9) in farm activity of cutting. Very severe discomfort was observed in shoulders (ms=
4.2) and neck (ms=4.0), while lifting and carrying of tomato basket/container of an average weight of 28
kg. Standing and bending postures are used most of the time while working which cause physical exertion
and pressure at mid-back and feet. Based on the above survey, it can be concluded that performing
number of agricultural activities and physiological cost of activities can be reduced by improved implements.
Key words :Vegetable production, musculoskeletal discomfort, health hazard