Department of Foods and Nutrition, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125 004 (Haryana), India
*(e-mail :; Mobile : 9466648998)
(Received : December 10, 2019; Accepted : February 14, 2020)
Capacity building by developing skills in value addition of traditional foods equipped women to generate substantial income and develop their own family welfare. Shatavari (A. racemosus) root powder is known to cure all the ailments related to female hormonal problems and particularly the inadequate milk production during lactation. The present study was conducted to impart training to rural women to enhance their knowledge and skills regarding value addition of products using A. racemosus (shatavari). A four-day training comprising lecture-cum-live demonstration on preparation of laddoo, halwa and panjiri by adding
A. racemosus (shatavari) root powder was imparted in each village among selected respondents. After having training exposure selected respondents were also assessed for their gain in knowledge and perceived feasibility of demonstrated products. Average knowledge scores of respondents regarding availability and processing of shatavari root, health benefits, medicinal value, nutritional benefits and utilization of shatavari root powder were increased (Pd0.05) significantly after four days of training exposure. All three types of value added products were highly appreciated by respondents. Shatavari laddoo got highest sensory preference followed by halwa and panjiri by the respondents.
Key words : A. racemosus root powder, rural women, traditional foods, training, knowledge