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Increasing Plant Tolerance Grown on Saline Soil : The Role of Tripartite Symbiosis

Department of Biology, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
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One abiotic barrier that can inhibit the growth of soybean plants is salt stress. This study was conducted
to describe the role of tripartite symbiosis between Glosum mosseae and Rhizobium japonicum on plant
tolerance grown under salt stress conditions using soybean as a plant tested. There were two conditions
of salinity (0 mM NaCl and 200 mM NaCl) with four treatments, namely, 1. non-inoculant plants, 2.
plants inoculated with rhizobium, 3. plants inoculated with mycorrhizae and 4. plants inoculated with
rhizobium and mycorrhizae. The results showed that plant tolerance to salt stress increased in inoculation
with mycorrhizae and rhizobium compared to non-inoculant plants. The tolerance increased along with
the increase in the absorption of P and N which had an impact on increasing plant biomass. The
tripartite symbiotic between soybeans, G. mosseae and R. japonicum revealed positive effects on the
parameters of mycorrhizal colonization, root nodules, plant biomass, microbial dependency, stress
tolerance index and nutrient uptake compared to uninoculated plants or inoculated plants with Glomus
mosseae or inoculated plants with R. japonicum only. It reflected that tripartite symbiosis was more
effective than single inoculation in salt stress conditions.
Key words :Plant tolerance, tripartite symbiosis, saline soil