Kuban State Agrarian University, Kalinina Str., 13, Krasnodar, 350044, Russian Federation
*(e-mail :; Telephone : 8 (861) 221-59-42)
(Received : April 10, 2019; Accepted : June 25, 2019)
Sustainability of agricultural production was described by universal, specific, individual, and generalizing indicators; it was measured by the deviation of the actual production facilities and other indicators of the agricultural organizations’ performance from labour, from the minimum value of the parameters under study, and from their long-time average annual value. The results of assessing the grain production sustainability at the instructional farm Kuban and in the farms of all categories in the Krasnodar region were similar in relative magnitude, except for the deviation of the annual actual gross yield from the average annual production : the deviation was 15.2% for the instructional farm Kuban for 2000-17, and 10.2-12.8% for the farms of all categories, depending on the duration of the analyzed period. This was due to the higher productivity of grain and leguminous crops at the instructional farm Kuban, as well as the higher relative deviation value in 2015-17. The current situation also indicated the priority role of weather conditions in comparison with the organizational economic factors of grain and leguminous crops’ productivity formation. This increased relevance of optimizing organizational economic factors in programming instructional farm and using the productivity forecasts in planning the structure of lands under crops.
Key words : Gross yield dynamics, grain production, gross yield structure, deviation, sustainability indicators