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Changes in the Trading System of Sugarcane Farmers in Indonesia

M. Rizal Umami, Zainuri, I. Wayan Subagiarta and Rafael Purtomo Somaji
Department of Development Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Jember, Indonesia
*(e-mail :; Mobile : +62 812 3179 7108)
(Received : May 16, 2021; Accepted : July 10, 2021)


Market failures are associated with inefficient trading margins in the sugar industry. This study was
undertaken to determine changes in the trade pattern of sugarcane at the PTPN XI government in
Indonesia; how sugarcane products were distributed and the relationship between farmers and agents.
The snowball sampling method was used to collect data through in-depth interviews using key informants
to collect the primary data. The data processing method used was ATLAS.ti 8 software. PTPN XI sugarcane
comprised four trading systems. The result showed a change in sugarcane farmers interest in establishing
a partnership with the sugar factory PTPN XI in Indonesia.
Key words : : Trade, social capital, sugarcane farmers, ATLAS.ti 8, Indonesia