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Genotypic Variability in Rice for its Suitability for Direct Seeding and Puddled Transplanting

Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, SGT University, Gurugram-122 505 (Haryana), India
*(e-mail:;; Mobile: 92052 77664)
(Received: November 1, 2022; Accepted: May 23, 2023)


In the present study, a field experiment was conducted to evaluate 10 rice genotypes (three basmati-PB 1121, HB 2 and CSR 30; six coarse grainHKR 47, HKR 48, HKR 127, HKR 128, PR 121 and PR 122 and one hybridHSD 1) for their performance under direct seeding (DSR) and puddled transplanting (PTR). Panicle length, number of grains per panicle, 1000-grain weight and grain yield were significantly higher under PTR than DSR. Among different rice genotypes, plant height, number of tillers and panicle length were higher in basmati genotypes as compared to coarse grain genotypes except HKR 48. On the other hand, dry weight, number of grains per panicle, harvest index and grain yield were higher in coarse grain genotypes. Maximum 1000-grain weight was recorded in genotype PB 1121. Among coarse grain genotypes, highest number of tillers, leaf area index, dry weight, number of effective tillers, 1000-grain weight, harvest index and grain yield were recorded in HKR 48 and plant height in HKR 128. Interaction between establishment methods and rice genotypes indicated that the plant height, number of tillers, leaf area and number of effective tillers of basmati rice genotypes (PB 1121, HB 2 and CSR 30) were higher under DSR than PTR, whereas panicle length, number of grains per panicle, 1000-grain weight and harvest index were higher under PTR than DSR. Grain yield of basmati rice genotypes (PB 1121 and CSR 30) was not affected by methods of planting. The results indicated the suitability of basmati rice genotypes (PB 1121, HB 2 and CSR 30) for direct seeding. There was significant reduction in grain yield of coarse grain genotypes of rice viz., HKR 47, HKR 48, HKR 127, HKR 128, PR 121 and PR 122 under DSR over PTR. Least reduction in grain yield under direct seeding was recorded in coarse grain genotype HKR 48 with
maximum grain yield recorded under DSR.
Key words : Rice, direct seeding (DSR), puddle transplanting (PTR), water saving