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Meat Productivity in Bull Calves of Various Genotypes

A. E. Nugmanova, A. O. Doszhanova, E. Nasambaev, A. B. Akhmetalieva and N. M. Gubashev
Higher School of Animal Production Technology, West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named
after Zhangir Khan, Republic of Kazakhstan
*(e-mail :; Mobile : 8(7112)501374)
(Received : June 1, 2021; Accepted : August 2, 2021)


The research was aimed at studying the meat productivity of bull calves of various genotypes. The results of the studies showed that the Auliekol bull calves at the age of 15 months had a relatively high preslaughter live weight (374.8 kg), compared to their peers of other breeds. For instance, they were superior to their peers of the Kazakh white-headed, Hereford and Aberdeen-Angus breeds by 9.9 kg (2.64%), 10.9 kg (2.91%) and 21.8 kg (5.81%), respectively. The lowest preslaughter live weight was noted in the crossbred bull calves obtained from Aberdeen-Angus stud bulls (353.0 kg). The economic efficiency of growing bull calves of various genotypes for meat was also calculated. The difference between the crossbred bull calves obtained from the Kazakh white-headed, Hereford, and Auliekol breeds in profitability per one animal was not so significant and ranged between 75861.0 and 83842.8 tenges (monetary unit of Kazakhstan). A lower level of profitability was noted in growing the crossbred bull calves obtained from the Aberdeen-Angus breed (33.0%). It was recommended to widely use Auliekol bulls to increase the population of high-breed stud stock and beef production. Kazakh white-headed bulls are adapted to the climate of the country and should be intensively used.
Key words : : Beef cattle breeding, crossbreed, breed, meat type, economic efficiency