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Effect of Formulated Microorganisms, Goat Fertilizer and Banana Webs Extract in Organic Kale (Brassica oleracea)

Ririen Prihandarini
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Widyagama Malang, Indonesia
*(e-mail :; Mobile : +6282137738898)
(Received : April 17, 2021; Accepted : June 05, 2021)


Efforts are needed to accelerate the transformation of organic agricultural cultivation, one of which is by
utilizing microorganisms. Experimental research was carried out using banana weevil extract and goat manure with the addition of RIM microorganism technology, and organic Kale plants as indicators or benchmarks. The available N content of banana weevil extract and RIM microorganism technology increased up to 32.83% compared to the control. The available P content in B1M2 treatment increased (21.88%) compared to the control treatment. The K content of B2M2 treatment increased 8.59% than the control. The results of the application of organic fertilizer combined with banana weevil extract and goat manure with the addition of RIM microorganism technology were best seen from the variables of plant height, number of leaves and leaf length in the B1M2 treatment (banana weevil extract concentration 100 ml/l of water and 1 kg of goat manure with 20 ml RIM microorganism formula).
Key words : : Biotechnology, banana weevil, kale, microorganism