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Experience of Fir Tree Extract Application for Prevention of Gastrointestinal Tract Diseases in Newborn Calves (Prevention of Calf Dispepsy)

Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy, Markovtseva Street, 5, Kemerovo, 650056, Russia
*(e-mail :; Contact : 8 (495) 938-03-09)
(Received : September 30, 2021; Accepted : November 12, 2021)


The aim of the research was to study the use of fir tree extract (Pikhteks) in calves from 14 to 28 days
of age for prevention of gastrointestinal tract diseases. The studies were carried out for 14 days. The
results showed that the introduction of Pichteks into the diet of calves did not negatively affect the
physiological state of the animals. Appetite was preserved, body temperature, respiratory rate and heart
rate remained within the physiological norm for the entire period of the experiment. Hematological
studies showed no changes in the direction of pathology in the calves of the experimental group, so the
number of erythrocytes ranged from 7.7±0.38 to 8.33±0.20 1012/l; leukocytes from 9.31±0.12 to 8.17±0.38
109/l and hemoglobin from 110.33±4.97 to 111.3±1.88 g/l. A slight increase in these indicators
corresponded to the age of the calves. In biochemical blood tests and in the leukocyte formula, there
was no significant difference in the indicators. However, in the control group on the 3rd day of the study
(age 17 days) two calves fell ill with dyspepsia. The disease was difficult and one calf died. In the
experimental group, the survival rate of calves was 100%.
Key words : : Calves, dyspepsia, Pikhteks, blood tests, safety