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Linking Socio-Demographic Profile and Attribute Preference of Branded Dairy Consumers with Communication Effectiveness of Branded Dairy Products

Lloyd Business School, Greater Noida-201 306 (Uttar Pradesh), India
*(e-mail :; Mobile : 9711777422, 8076809192)
(Received : August 28, 2021; Accepted : October 15, 2021)


Companies adopt standardized product and communication strategies, largely ignoring the need for
customer profiling and understanding consumer preferences. The present paper seeked to understand
the socio-demographic profile of dairy customers, their attribute preferences, and sources of brand
awareness to enable dairy marketers to design an effective communication strategy. A multi-method
research approach was adopted in the present study conducted in Uttar Pradesh. The study concluded
that the companies communication efforts were inadequate and the awareness level of consumers was
dismal. The pull generated by the dairy companies in the market was deficient. Examination of the
socio-demographic profile of dairy consumers presented significant implications for marketers. The
study of preference of attributes regarding the purchase of dairy products indicated that dairy being a
food item, attributes validating the aptness of consumption were given preference over price, place and
promotion. Quality taste, freshness, and flavour were the most sought-after attributes for all dairy
items under study.
Key words : : Socio-demographic profile, attribute preference, branded dairy consumers, communication effectiveness, branded dairy companies