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Identification of Genotype (Jor Lab B-2) of Bixa orellana L. with High Bixin Content

Mohan Lal, Twahira Begum, Sudin, K. Pandey, Joyashree Baruah and Roktim Gogoi
Medicinal Aromatic and Economic Plants Group, Biological Science & Technology Division, CSIR-North East Institute of Science and Technology, Jorhat-785 006 (Assam), India
*(e-mail :; Mobile : 8811087277)
(Received : September 8, 2020; Accepted : November 12, 2020)


Bixa orellana, commonly known as Sinduri plant, is a natural source of bixin, frequently used as dye. In this experiment, a total of 52 genotypes were collected and planted in the CSIR-NEIST experimental farm. All the genotypes were screened for agronomical, qualitative and quantitative characters out of which five half sib progenies were selected for high bixin content and high seed yield. These five selected genotypes were planted again in RBD during 2013. After study of six years, a high bixin content germplasm was identified having maximum grain yield and bixin content. The best genotype found was with an average yield of 554.50 g having 1.10% bixin content, and was named as Jor Lab B-2. This is the first report of bixin rich line in B. orellana.
Key words : Annato, Bixa orellana, bixin, high yield variety