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The Use of Mineral Fertilizers in the Cultivation of Spring Rape : Features and Economic Assessment

Mordovia Research Agricultural Institute – Branch of “Federal Agricultural Research Centre of the North-East
named N. V. Rudnitskogo”, Michurina Street, 5, Saransk, 430904, Russia
*(e-mail :; Mobile : +7 (8342) 25–42–44)
(Received : March 20, 2019; Accepted : May 10, 2019)


The article presents the results of the studies conducted in the forest-steppe of the Volga region on leached
heavy loam chernozem on the optimization of the nitrogen doses (from 30 to 120 kg a. r./ha) and the effectiveness of sulfur (30 kg a. r./ha) fertilizers in the cultivation of spring rape. It has been established that the application of mineral fertilizers increased the yield of oilseeds by 13-94%. The use of nitrogen fertilizers at the N90 dose and the sulfur fertilizer at the S30 dose against the background of phosphoruspotassium (P60K60) fertilizer was the most cost-effective one. Here the highest level of production profitability (116.3%) and the lowest cost per tonne of oilseeds (8.32 thousand rubles/t) were obtained. The maximum costs (26.68 thousand rubles/ha) of rape oilseeds’ production were noted at applying nitrogen at a dose of 120 kg a. r./ha against the background of phosphorus and potassium. The increase in the costs was due
to the increasing cost of the amount of fertilizer applied. The maximum payback of 1 kg of the nitrogen fertilizer application rate (11.83 kg) was observed at applying N60. In terms of the quality of spring rape seeds, a general pattern was observed in reducing the oil content at increasing the nitrogen fertilizer doses from 44.06 to 41.63%. The use of the sulfur fertilizer in combination with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium increased the oil content to 43.5%.
Key words :Economic assessment, payback, spring rape, leached chernozem, mineral fertilizers, yield