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The Role of Product Attributes and Celebrity Endorser against the Decision and Satisfaction for Vegetable Hydroponics during the Pandemic of COVID-19

Yuli Purbaningsih, Elkana Timotius, Ester Manik, Dewa Oka Suparwata, Irma Hakim and Suslinawati
Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Husbandry, Universitas Sembilanbelas
November Kolaka, Kolaka, Indonesia
*(e-mail :; Mobile : +62 87866808728)
(Received : April 19, 2021; Accepted : June 15, 2021)


The research was implemented in Yogyakarta for the consumers who were buying hydroponic vegetables. There were 215 respondents. Data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) which was operated through the AMOS program. Good and fit model Kriteri were based on Chi-square, RMSEA, Goodness of Fit Index (GFI), Adjustted Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI), CMIN/DF, TLI (Tucker Lewis Index) and Comparative Fit Index (CFI). The results showed that when product attribute (X1) attached to the product was better then it increased the purchase decision (Y1) and impact on consumer satisfaction (Y2). Celebrity endorser factor (X2) also significantly affected consumer purchasing decisions (Y1) and consumer satisfaction (Y2). The purchase decision (Y1) had an influence on consumer satisfaction (Y2) because when consumer buying decisions increased, it increased consumer satisfaction.
Key words : : Vegetable, hydroponics, product attributes, celebrity endorser