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BiofertilizerAn Effective Component of Integrated Nutrient Management in Aonla

Department of Horticulture, School of Agriculture, ITM University, Gwalior-474 001 (M. P.), India
*(e-mail :; Mobile : 94251 87184)
(Received : August 3, 2021; Accepted : October 11, 2021)


Aonla (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.), a member of Euphorbiaceae family, has greater efficiency to utilize
the combinations of inorganic, organic and microbial sources of nutrients. The present studies emphasized
the efficacy of integrated approach of nutrient management for growth of aonla trees. The plant growth
attributes viz., plant height, spread and canopy volume were measured and the percentage increment
was determined for the years 2019 and 2020 on the basis of the previous year. The application of 50-75%
of recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF) in combination with microbial application as Azotobacter,
Azospirillum and phosphate solublizing bacteria (PSB) resulted in highest plant height, spread and canopy
volume with maximum increment in these parameters and lowest fruit drop percentage. Thus, application
of Azotobacter and Azospirillum might be effective in free atmosphere nitrogen fixation and synthesis of
plant growth promoting compounds which could result in accelerated vegetative growth in aonla trees. A
direct correlation between plant spread and canopy volume was also reported under the integrated
nutrient management practice.
Key words : Aonla, canopy volume, Azotobacter, Azospirillum, PSB (Phosphate solublizing bacteria)