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The Efficiency of Green Fodder Production from Different Perennial Ryegrass Varieties

S. I. Kokonov, E. F. Vafina, T. N. Ryabova, S. L. Vorobieva, A. A. Nikitin and A. V. Milchakova
Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy, Studencheskaya Street, 11, Izhevsk, 426069, Russia
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(Received : December 8, 2020; Accepted : January 17, 2021)


This paper aimed at studying the growth and development of ryegrass in the conditions of the Udmurt Republic (Russia) and analyzing the efficiency of cultivating perennial ryegrass varieties of Russian and foreign selection. As a result of the study, it was revealed that, on an average, over the years of research, the highest yield of herbage of 13.7-15.2 t/ha was obtained by the Malysh and Agat perennial ryegrass varieties of Russian selection and the Boost variety of the selection produced by OREGRO SEEDS INC. This level of yield allowed obtaining herbage with a cost of 705-823 rubles/t and a profitability level of 22-42%. The combination of ecological plasticity indicators (bi=1.13) and phenotypic stability (S2d=0.10) indicators of the Malysh variety testified to its high adaptive properties.
Key words : : Variety, perennial ryegrass, adaptability, productivity, economic efficiency