K. Sowmiya and M. Pazhanisamy
Department of Entomology, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar-608 002 (Tamil Nadu), India
*(e-mail : mpsamy2911@gmail.com; Mobile : 9750488284)
(Received : November 13, 2020; Accepted : January 11, 2021)
Field experiment was carried out in farmers field in Sivapuri, Annamalai Nagar and Chidambaram during rabi and kharif 2019. The results of the experiment revealed that first incidence of male moths in trap catches was observed at 9th meteorological standard week (MSW) in rabi and 33rd MSW in kharif season. Peak activity of male moth of Leucinodes orbonalis was observed from 15th to 18th MSW and 40th to 41th MSW in rabi and kharif season. The correlation analysis between weather parameters and trap catches of male moth population of L. orbonalis during rabi 2019 revealed a positive correlation with maximum temperature (r=0.782), minimum temperature (r=0.573), rainfall (r=0.277), wind speed (r=0.557) and sunshine hours (r=0.551), whereas negative correlation was recorded with relative humidity (r=-0.714). In kharif season, the correlation studies showed that the negative correlation existed with maximum (r=-0.350) and minimum temperature (r=-0.242), relative humidity (r=-0.001), wind speed (r= -0.591) and rainfall (r= -0.317), whereas positive correlation was recorded in sunshine hours (r=0.602), respectively
Key words : Trap catches, Leucinodes orbonalis, weather parameters, correlation, regression analysis